OnlyFans music video teaser

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We got a rare bit of free time on the weekend. So we spent a nice afternoon in the hot tub on a beautiful day. Knowing we were horny and naked we setup the camera and captured some amazing sex! The time flew by and before we knew it it was time to move on with the day’s responsibilities.

Unfortunately, after watching later we discovered that the audio was lost. We were bummed to say the least. However, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Or in this case, when life gives you a silent sex video, you make it a sexy music video! It was a lot of fun to edit this one and we’re sure there will be more music incorporated in our future videos. We’re looking forward to doing some more cinematic love making. Producing some fun clips, music videos, and maybe even some original music.

As always, we hope you enjoy as much as we did! This is just one of many videos you can find on our OnlyFans of our real world sex lives, Check it out!


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